Neck Sprain

A neck sprain is caused when a tear occurs in one of the ligaments that connect the spinal column in your neck. This can be very painful and cause stiffness in your neck, and it should be treated immediately to prevent further damage.

Neck Pain

The most common cause of neck pain is injury or the prolonged wear and tear of the neck. Learn how to prevent and treat neck pain by clicking the link below.

Low Back Pain

Understanding the anatomy of the spine can help you better understand the cause of your lower back pain. Use this link to learn more about what could be causing your back pain.

Turf Toe

When the toe is forcibly bent up into hyperextension, turf toe is likely to occur. The main joint of the big toe is sprained and can vary in severity. Click the link below to learn how to avoid turf toe this season.

Sprained Ankle

Spraining your ankle is the easiest thing to do as an athlete or non-athlete. A sprain occurs when the ligaments that support the ankle tear, and the severity of the sprain depends on the amount of damage to the ligaments. Use the link below to determine which grade of sprain you have.